Battle Field Tours

Battle Field Tours
The area you are visiting was once the scene of a ferocious battle. This episode of WWII is now known as 'The Battle of the Scheldt'. In September 1944, a United Nations force under Canadian Command, took up a battle against a determined enemy, that wanted to prevent the use of the harbour of Antwerp at all cost.

Learn about victory, bravery, misery and tragedy. Hear about the generals and the common city and farmer boy soldiers. Many found a lasting resting place at the local Bergen op Zoom War Cemetery. There is a good chance members of your family were involved in this epic fight.

This is an opportunity to learn the story they never dared to tell you. English/German/Dutch spoken personalised guided tours are offered to visit the actual sites where it happened.

Discover the features of the old battle field and the remains of trenches and pill boxes.
Tours are additionally supported using period film footage, radio broad castings and military objects.

Half day guided Tours (4 hrs)   € 150,-
Full day guided tour (8 hrs)   € 250,-

Transportation is provided for groups of up to three persons.
Select your item of interest:
  • Battle for Wouwse Plantage
  • Battle for Bergen op Zoom
  • Battle for Woensdrecht
  • Battle for Steenbergen
  • Battle for the Causeway
  • Battle for Walcheren*
  • Battle for the Breskens Pocket*
The story of a specific person from the Commonwealth War Cemetries of Bergen op Zoom, Adegem or Schoonselhof*.
*only as full day available due to distance

For bigger groups, special demands or inquiries please contact:

      Robert W. Catsburg
      +31 (0)6 25009444
      From Canada: 011 31 6 25009444


Your tour guide Robert W. Catsburg (1969) is a seasoned and renowned expert on the history of the Battle of the Scheldt. He was raised with a fascination of the 'liberators' and their exploits.
Born in the Breskens Pocket, with heritage from Walcheren and living in Steenbergen for many years, he knows every back road in the area to bring you to the most fascinating historical places.
Besides holding a vast collection of military artefacts related to the Scheldt battles, he published multiple books on the topic.

His work can be accessed at

His work is based on a vast library of period rare books, documents and thousands of archive records. On request, specific questions regarding the battle or a person's role in the fighting in the Scheldt estuary can be researched up to the utmost details.